Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What's New? for 1/23

It's always a good feeling, when you're starting out a new website, that you find submissions in your inbox when you wake up in the morning.

What did I find this morning? Some really awesome new books that I hope you'll all check out, discover, and grab.

David Pickering stopped by with a pair of anthologies: Under our Horror tab, Amazon Kindle readers can check out Classic Horror Stories 2, while under the new Short Stories tab, Classic Short Stories makes its way onto the shelves.

YA author Wendy Storer had a pair for us, and they are right at the top of the YA/Children's page at the moment. Check out her titles When Bluebirds Fly and Bring Me Sunshine. Kids need books for their eReaders, too!

And Faith Mortimer dropped by with her thriller Camera, Action... Murder! which is available on Amazon.

New visitors, remember to bookmark us and tell your friends about us. Authors, keep those new releases coming. This site is a great way to find your next big read!

When more come in, we'll update this post.


Edit: 5:58 p.m. ET -- Author Carmen DeSousa brought her romantic suspense novel When Noonday Ends to our Romance page.

Edit: 7:16 p.m. ET-- Seb Kirby dropped by and put us in a Double Bind. It's on the Thrillers tab.

Good night, folks!

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